Currently NKP México SA de CV has the CTPAT certification, but ..
Why is it important to have companies certified in C-TPAT?
Currently, companies have many internal quality processes, but once the merchandise leave the platform, do we know who our assets are, our brand? Currently, 86% of drug shipments that are transported by trucks are loaded between the plant and border customs.
Observing this scenario, the C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) program encourages companies to ensure the integrity of their security practices and policies and communicate them to their business partners within the same supply chain.
Certification Objectives
The C-TPAT was born after the attack of September 11, 2001, a historical situation that changed security parameters globally. The C-TPAT Certification is granted by the Customs of the United States of America (USA), where it promotes the industry to take joint measures that guarantee that the product or shipment that enters the US cannot be altered or used by third parties for purposes terrorists or acts that jeopardize the integrity or security of the country.
The C-TPAT program seeks to have control from the arrival of the empty container, its entry to the warehouse, during loading, seals and the controls that must be had until its arrival at the port. The aforementioned talks about logistics security, but this program extends and evaluates the physical security of the facilities, personnel safety, security of computer technology, security training and awareness of the threats of all commercial partners of the exporting company .
Seeking to strengthen the weakest link with controls associated with the identification and prevention of risks within the supply chain. For companies, getting involved in situations of contamination or transportation of illegal substances has serious and legal consequences, as well as for the image and reputation of the company. Having the C-TPAT certification implementing high security standards is extremely essential for business continuity in order to achieve a secure and traceable logistics chain throughout the process.
With the idea of homologing implementing the C-TPAT certification, we will contribute from our trench to lower the crime rate.
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